How to choose an electric scooter.

 We have prepared some standard questions for you.

1. The purpose of using a scooter (for example: jumping to public transport; daily driving to work without public transport; pokatushki in the park; for a girl / wife / child; have not yet come up with, but already want, etc.)

2. The quality of the roads on your route

3. your weight

4. Desired speed and mileage

5. Purchase budget

6. Desired weight limit of the scooter

7. Variants of scooters which you want buy

8. The maximum rise in the mountain (in degrees).

You can think  other details: -the need and frequency of use with public transport; - inflatable or   wheels;  shock absorbers / removable battery / USB-port / powerful headlight necessary; Is the seat necessary?

By answering these simple questions you are almost there. It remains only to call us or come to our show room and choose already specifically what you need.

We will help you with this.

With us you can even try out the models you like and choose the most suitable.