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GUB G81 Metāla universāls viedtālruņu turētājs
Доступные варианты
GUB G81 Metāla universāls viedtālruņu turētājs
Material: Aluminum Alloy
Type: MTB Road Bike Phone Stand
Weight: Approx 90g
Color: Black, Red, Silver, Green
Diameter: F31.8mm clamp
Size: Approx. Length55mm(can adjustable to 100 mm)
Clamp Diameter31.8mm
Application: F31.8to 25.4/22.2 (used giveaway spacers) handlebar,
fit for 3.5–6.2 inch phone
Package includes:
1 x GUB G-81 phone mount
1 x (pair) 25.4cmm spacer (for folding bicycle)
1 x (pair) 22.2cmm spacer (for motorcycle)
1 x Hexagon wrench
1 x Anti-slip sticker
GUB G81 G-81 Aluminum Bicycle Phone Holder
For 3.5-6.2 inch Smartphone Adjustable Support GPS Bike Phone Stand Mount Bracket