
Pasūtījuma veikšanas gadījumā prece tiek rezervēta vienai darba
dienai. Ja šajā laikā mēs nesaņemam no jums maksājuma rīkojumu, kas
apstiprina naudas pārskaitījumu uz norādīto kontu, vai arī ja jūs neesat
norēķinājies par precēm skaidrā naudā vai ar karti mūsu veikalā, rezervācija
tiek atcelta. Preču rezervēšanu var pagarināt tikai pēc tālruņa zvana uz numuru
- In our showroom you can take a look at our products, get advice on the selection, appointment and use of transport. Convenient free parking, test drive and rental also are possible. Flexible discount system allows us to feel confident in the market.
- We aren’t an online store, nevertheless, you can order delivery to any country. About the delivery price we can talk separately.
lukturis NEWBOLER
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Model: LIG008 4000mAh 3LED | Material: ~~~ Aluminum Plastic Shell Mode: ~~~ 4 Modes: Near light - High beam bright - Far and Near full light - Flashing Waterproof: ~~~ IPX-5 Lumen: ~~~ Max 3000Lumen Range: ~~~ About 150-300M Battery: ~~~ About 4000 mAh Charging Time: ~~~ About 4.5 hrs Working time: ~~~ 2.5-4.5h |
Model: LIG610 2000mAh 3LED | Material: ~~~ Aluminum Plastic Shell Mode: ~~~ 5 Modes: Click to open: Near light - High beam bright - Far and Near full light - Flashing. Long press to open: daytime running light Waterproof: ~~~ IPX-5 Lumen: ~~~ Max 2000Lumen Range: ~~~ About 200M Battery: ~~~ About 2000 mAh Charging Time: ~~~ About 3 hrs Working time: ~~~ 2-3.5h |
Доступные варианты
Product Features:
1. High beam/low beam. Anti-glare
2. Aluminum alloy , good heat dissipation
3. Durable/Anti-Fall, Long Range
4. Built-in battery.USB Rechargeable
****Click to switch High/low beam****